Carn a' Bhacain and other hills
Robert, Graham Neish and I set off from Gairnshiel bridge at 9am. It was a very frosty start but bright. We followed the track which was thankfully frozen and made walking fairly easy. We stopped at the ruin of the old manse at Tullochmacarrick for a perusal and then did the same at the farmhouse further along. Back on the track we headed up fairly steeply past shooting butts. We were by this time enjoying glorious sunshine so a coffee stop at one of the butts was welcome.
We headed first to The Ca which is near the cattle drove road from Corgarff to Deeside. It had become very windy so we dropped down and headed to Carn leac Saighaeir. As we were having lunch in the shelter of the cairn voices could be heard and 2 mountain bikers arrived. They had come across from the road and had to push more than cycle. We headed back to Camock Hill with the sun now in our eyes. Then east to Carn a' Bhacain, our highest point of the day.

South from here to Fox Cairn and the large cairn at spot height 609. The descent back to the car included sheer drops, rocky outcrops and waist high heather which we all agreed was a splendid way to end the day!
The last ruin which Graham's photo shows had been a mill and Robert thought that it was attached to a kiln. We kept well away from the gable wall.

We arrived at the car about 3.30 and headed to the Bothy for tea and cake.
Thanks Robert and Graham for your company.