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Creag Bhalg Day Walk

Creag Bhalg, April 3rd

Pent up frustration and demand (and government restrictions) led the DHC to arrange two walks on a superb Easter Saturday. The six of us had selected the shorter, lower and no-bike outing and so we met up at a later time than the hard core group to comply with the restrictions. Susan had done all the work on route planning and we were happy to follow her suggestion and headed up towards the Lui bridge in the early morning sunshine.

After walking through the Doire Bhraghad woods Tim suggested we continue downhill as he 'knew' of a path. He was proved correct (we never doubted him) and took a faint path up to summit passing a solar panel? on the way. We had the top to ourselves and spread out to take elevenses. After indentifying all the Cairngorms tops in view we continued along the ridge to look down on Braemar before dropping into the valley of the Quoich. The new road restored after storm Frank was not pleasant to walk on and we were pleased to reach the old, softer surface of the original trail.

We lunched at the Clais Fhearnaig turning and then continued through the this steep sided defile leading us back to Lui Water. The high peaks are hidden from sight in this glen giving a secluded and quiet feel. On the return to the car park Robert took us down by the Lui and past the fish ladder to round off the day. A gentle but satisfying day out in the best possible conditions.

Moira, Ali, Tim, Robert, Gordon & Sandy


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