Cairngorms Walk Through
The afternoon of Friday 17th July saw Susan and I (Ruth) leaving the Linn of Dee carpark with rucksacks loaded ready for a 2 day walk through the Cairngorms and back. With a bright yellow met-office weather warning to send us on our way (we’d been hoping for bright yellow sunshine!) we were the only two mad enough to attempt this. On Friday afternoon we walked into Corrour bothy,

the weather was better than expected with just a few light showers, and we arrived at Corrour reasonably dry at around 7pm. In the bothy we found 6 guys all staying the night there but they kindly made room for us and we were made even more welcome when Susan produced a birthday cake for me from her rucksack.

The guys kindly helped us eat all the cake to save us carrying it the next day and then we managed to find room for all 8 sleeping mats. While snoring sardines sprang to mind at various stages during the night the noise of the wind outside convinced us that it was better than being in our tents!

Leaving Corrour
Saturday’s weather was better than expected, although not exactly summer like with a strong wind and occasional showers. We walked through the Lairig Ghru admiring the pools of Dee and the watershed between the Dee and the Alt Druidh on route (photo below).

We then turned west and a strong wind and heavy rucksacks made climbing the boulders through the Chalamain gap a little challenging! After a much needed lunch on the eastern side of the Chalamain gap we walked along some nicely rebuilt footpaths towards the ski centre and then through Glen More forest to Lochan Uaine where we stopped for an afternoon tea break

The final 3km of the day saw the weather improving, water-proofs coming off and us turn east-wards to end the day at Bynack Stables, although the stables themselves are no-longer there. It was a beautiful campsite with lovely evening sunlight and a chance to sit by the river and cook our tea.

Saturday night campsite
Sunday morning started rather wet and saw us walking south-east following the foot-path to the east of Bynack More. Once we had crossed the Glasath we left the path which went south and headed south-east to get the corbet Creag Mhor, well we were only 1km and 300m in altitude from it’s top so had to tick it off on route!

By this stage the cloud had lifted a bit and we had a great view down to the Fords of Avon. We then walked down to and crossed the Fords of Avon, although the stepping stones were underwater due to all the rain we’d had. After lunch just south of the Fords of Avon we went through the Lairigan Laoigh and crossed the watershed into Glen Derry. We then walked down Glen Derry to Derry Lodge and the final 5km drag from Derry Lodge to the car park during which Susan nobly refused a lift in a Landrover in order say she had walked it all!

So, an amazing weekend of walking about 60km or 36 miles through the Cairngorms, a challenge which we enjoyed!
Ruth and Susan